Dia de los muertos
Dia de los muertos Place Ecuador-cuenca Description In Ecuador,we celebrate the day it is a holiday thah honors the lives of loved ones who have left htis wordl ..... Day of the dead celebrations consist of vigils and visits to cementeries where offerings of flowers and traditional food are brougth to the deacased. The Day of the Dead in Ecuador ,is celebrate from indigenous customs traditionally on this day friends and family often exchange the guaguas or bread dolls its goal is to pray and honor loved ones who are no longer present in life .In this celebraition of the day of the dead it is customary to drink colada morada and guagua de pan ,these foods have a meaning which is Colada morada: the purple colada represents and evokes the blood of the deceased Guagua de pan : The "guagua de pan" symbolizes the body deceased ...